The first thing you do in the morning can set the tone for your day

Praying to the universe is not just for your times of trouble;

It is for times of gratitude

Thanking the universe for all the good in your life

Your angels need to know you are grateful

When you make your gratitude known, the universe brings you more of what you ask for

Wake up with a heart & mind full of gratitude

Be grateful everyday & release your day to the Universe

Release your day & trust knowing that the universe knows your heart

Know that with every step your angels are there by your side

Practice taking it to the universe before taking it to anyone else

Soar through your day no matter what troubles come knowing your prayer has been heard

This prayer or conversation with the Universe will be the most important conversation in your day

But if we are heard in our prayer & it is this “simple” why are we taken through troubled waters?


if you listen to your guides closely you will understand that you are being taken through these troubled waters because your enemies can not swim

You have what they don't


Your faith in the Universe

The Universe sees your struggles

Just know you would not be put through these troubled waters if the Universe thought you would drown

The only Lifeguard you’ll need is the universe & your angels to help guide you the whole way

The Universe is always there

Even in your times of trouble

The Universe knows what you want

But, more importantly what we need

Keep the faith

