The first thing you do in the morning can set the tone for your day

Praying to the universe is not just for your times of trouble;

It is for times of gratitude

Thanking the universe for all the good in your life

Your angels need to know you are grateful

When you make your gratitude known, the universe brings you more of what you ask for

Wake up with a heart & mind full of gratitude

Be grateful everyday & release your day to the Universe

Release your day & trust knowing that the universe knows your heart

Know that with every step your angels are there by your side

Practice taking it to the universe before taking it to anyone else

Soar through your day no matter what troubles come knowing your prayer has been heard

This prayer or conversation with the Universe will be the most important conversation in your day

But if we are heard in our prayer & it is this “simple” why are we taken through troubled waters?


if you listen to your guides closely you will understand that you are being taken through these troubled waters because your enemies can not swim

You have what they don't


Your faith in the Universe

The Universe sees your struggles

Just know you would not be put through these troubled waters if the Universe thought you would drown

The only Lifeguard you’ll need is the universe & your angels to help guide you the whole way

The Universe is always there

Even in your times of trouble

The Universe knows what you want

But, more importantly what we need

Keep the faith




Today, I am reflecting on it all. 

I am reflecting on yesterday. 

I am reflecting on last year; My whole life really. 

Today is a day that I have decided to endure it and take it all in. 

Doing this hurts.

This hurts so bad for me. 

But in order to have peace and move on, reflection is an obligation. 

We must reflect on our past so we can see what we can do differently in the future, to better our lives.

As most of us know yet seem to forget, life is way too short to hold on to meaningless regrets. 

Life is too short to go to bed angry. 

As humans we deserve to make ourselves a priority. 

Give yourself permission to say how you feel. 

Then try to let it go. 

Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.

You either say how you feel and fuck it up, or say nothing and let it fuck you up instead. 

So, sometimes everything we do no matter how hard we try we can never be good enough for others. 

But, that doesn't mean hold on to the anger. 

Everything can change in just one moment. 

Forgive often. 

Love with all of your heart. 

You never know when you may not have the chance to see another sunrise again. 

Once someone told me that the bad news about this life, is that time flies. The good news? Well, the good news is that you are the pilot. 

So, next time you feel like you have nothing left to give to the world, take a step back.

Inhale and laugh. 

Try to remember who you are and why you are here. 

You are never given anything in this world that you can't handle. 

Sometimes no matter how much you try, you come to a point where you realize you'll never be good enough for some people. 

People will push your limits, but when you finally explode right back, you're the mean one. 

Just don't lose your dignity and respect trying to make people accept, love, and appreciate you when they just aren't capable. 

Personally, I am learning every single day to allow my life to inspire me in ways to make it better for me and for everyone around me.

Especially when life is as scary and raw as it has been. 

Unfortunately, we do not get to pick the very things that are going to break us. 

We can't even predict whats going to save us.

But, what has helped me is understanding something; understanding the process of forgiveness.

In my eyes thats something that is crucial if you want a happy life. 

I am the type who has fed the mouths that have talked horrid on my behalf when all I've ever wanted was love for them. 

I have wiped the tears off of the faces of people who caused mine. 

I have even picked up people who have knocked me down. 

I have done favors for others who have done nothing for me. 

Does that make me crazy?

I don't know. 


But, I will not lose myself in the hatred of others and neither should you.

I will continue to be who I am because it is my nature. 

Life isn't easy, especially through all of the bullshit. 

Just don't let other peoples hatred, words or actions tear you apart. 

If these people don't value you, why value their words? 

Throw the thought of them and the negativity / Lord Farquaad bullsnatch they bring into your life Far, Far away. 

Out of all of the fairy tales there are, today I think of Shrek. 

Shrek is a fairy tale that helps me remember that even imperfect people can have happy endings. 

So what if someone else thinks a certain way about you or forgets to appreciate you. 

What matters is how you feel about you and how you treat you. 

No one can take that away unless you're the one who allows them. 

Peace is yours when you claim it. 

Peace is not a place where there is no noise, crazy situations, or hard work. 

Peace is the calming in your heart in the midst of all of those things. 

You can't control other peoples actions or how they choose to perceive you. 

Anything that you do or say will get filtered through the mind of whatever personal stuff that they are actually going through at the moment; which is not even about you. 

It can be frustrating but understanding all this for your own peace is so important. 

Life isn't about trying to please other people. 

It is about making your life happy and easy. 

Looking for the good in others is pivotal. 

Most importantly when someone has done you wrong. 

Don't focus on the problem; but whatever good you can find out of it. 

Finding the good in others takes belief; belief in yourself. 

When you look for the good in others, you often bring to light your own best. 

After all, none of us are perfect.

We all make mistakes. 

It's how we come back from those very mistakes, that truly matters. 




You know there are times I feel broken down and exhausted.

I have had my own friends and family say to me that no one at my age becomes famous or even Heard of, you have to be born into it.

But if I believed that, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

It’s crazy because we can even be shaky in our own beliefs.

We can say confident strong things and then curl up and cry.

But it’s part of this whole process of growing.

Like literally the metamorphosis of a butterfly.

It starts off as a little caterpillar right? Then one day it starts curling up into a cocoon.

This whole process of the caterpillar transforming from the cocoon is very painful for the caterpillar.

It fights off the process the entire time. It fights so hard to stay a caterpillar. But time has inevitably changed it.

The growing pains actually turned that caterpillar into a butterfly. And the whole time the butterfly never even saw it coming.

It was fighting to stay the same when it had so much potential to grow.




Now, I know some of you may think this is silly.

But, this is something that popped into my head and I wanted to share the importance of every choice we make. 

Even the so called “small” choices we make. 

I had to choose between a cookie or a banana. 

I contemplated for a second then realized this.. 
If I indulge in the cookie it will only make me feel good in the very moment I’m eating it. 

Then the good feeling will completely vanish. 

That very feeling turns to guilt. Not to mention a cookie could do your body harm. 

We might not be able to see what it’s doing to us right away, but eventually it will catch up. 

So what do I choose? 

I chose the banana. 

I choose this realizing that the long term effects would be much greater than the having the cookie. 

It could give me nutrients and keep me healthy and happy longer, unlike the cookie. 

So you can look at your relationships like choosing healthy food or unhealthy food... 

The unhealthy food will only feel good in the moment. 

Never indulge in something just for a short moment...

because in that short moment, you truly don’t know what you could lose. 

Is it weight? Definitely not. 

Maybe it’s the love of your life. 

Maybe the healthy choice is the girl you thought you could push to the side and save her for later after you’re done with all of those cookies? 

But when you’re done with all those cookies you might not even be full. 

You’ll feel empty and sick. 

Just like you’ll feel after you’re done with that girl or boy you thought you thought you needed so bad. 

So the question is this.. why would I ever, ever have a hard time choosing between a banana and a cookie? 

It’s because sometimes we think the cookie is what’s best for us because of the feeling we get in the moment.. but that can be dangerous. 

It’s a feeling that quickly passes, and others come along with it. 

Even physical feelings we didn’t know would erupt. 

So why not choose the banana each and every single time?

When you choose the “banana” lifestyle you ultimately choose yourself. 

Now, I know some of you may think this is silly.

But, this is something that popped into my head and I wanted to share the importance of every choice we make. 

Even the so called “small” choices we make. 

I had to choose between a cookie or a banana. 

I contemplated for a second then realized this.. 

If I indulge in the cookie it will only make me feel good in the very moment I’m eating it. 

Then the good feeling will completely vanish. 

That very feeling turns to guilt. Not to mention a cookie could do your body harm. 

We might not be able to see what it’s doing to us right away, but eventually it will catch up. 

So what do I choose? 

I chose the banana. 

I choose this realizing that the long term effects would be much greater than the having the cookie. 

It could give me nutrients and keep me healthy and happy longer, unlike the cookie. 

So you can look at your relationships like choosing healthy food or unhealthy food... 

The unhealthy food will only feel good in the moment. 

Never indulge in something just for a short moment...

because in that short moment, you truly don’t know what you could lose. 

Is it weight? Definitely not. 

Maybe it’s the love of your life. 

Maybe the healthy choice is the girl you thought you could push to the side and save her for later after you’re done with all of those cookies? 

But when you’re done with all those cookies you might not even be full. 

You’ll feel empty and sick. 

Just like you’ll feel after you’re done with that girl or boy you thought you thought you needed so bad. 

So the question is this.. why would I ever, ever have a hard time choosing between a banana and a cookie? 

It’s because sometimes we think the cookie is what’s best for us because of the feeling we get in the moment.. but that can be dangerous. 

It’s a feeling that quickly passes, and others come along with it. 

Even physical feelings we didn’t know would erupt. 

So why not choose the banana each and every single time?

When you choose the “banana” lifestyle you ultimately choose yourself. 



What a year this has been.

It almost seems as if it’s been struggle after struggle, but in a way I can still see the beauty in all the chaos.

This year has taught me that you don’t have to be positive all the time.

It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, frustrated, annoyed. All of it. We’re only human & it happens. 

I have also learned that it is during the toughest times in your life that you’ll get to see the true colors of people who say they care about you. 

Notice who sticks around for you & who doesn’t. Be grateful for those who leave you, for they have given you the room to grow in the space they abandoned.

They gave you the awareness to appreciate the people who still loved you when you didn’t feel lovable.

We are all a mess, but it’s how we keep it together that makes us beautiful.




This 2020 has been any word beyond tough.

My doctors can not figure out what is going on with my body and why it causes me to go through excruciating pain

In all ways I wouldn’t wish upon anyone

My dad has to go to the hospital because he is bleeding from an unknown source and has to get blood transfusions now

My mom drops to the floor in so much pain only to find out a few days later she has a tumor. And the tumor is cancerous

My Father dropped down to the ground, lost all consciousness and stopped breathing

Started breathing again then Rushed to the hospital Only to be told he had a “weird strand of the flu they couldn’t explain”

My mom had to get her surgery and undergo chemo just as covid-19 starts

My angel dog that has saved my soul, lost all feeling in her back legs and couldn’t walk anymore and had to be rushed into the ER

My dad gets into a car accident, totaled his car but he’s okay. I couldn’t be more grateful

The next day something nightmarish happens with a family member I can NOT discuss. But my heart is broken nonetheless

The same day my pool collapses during covid when it’s the only thing to do in the middle of


I’ve been lied to and made a fool of

I almost feel as if my whole world had already collapsed

With all of this, you haven’t even seen the half of what is actually happening

 I feel afraid to share stories like this. I would hate anyone to look at me like a box of problems

& I know for a fact some do

But there is so much more to life. So much more to me. So much more than the bad

It has all made me who I am today

& that girl deserves all the love in the world

I’m afraid of a lot. But I know Jesus is leading my path

I’m doing my best to create a life and happiness that serves me and my future family. But at times it feels like drowning

I’m doing my best to follow my intuition

I’m doing my best to be okay with the mistakes in the past

I’m sitting here listening to screaming wishing I had my own space because mine was stolen away from me just like my health

But I’m doing my best

Let this be a message to you today that whatever it is you are going through


You are NOT a box of problems. 

You’re the gift someone’s been waiting for at the front of their doorstep their whole life. 

You’re a complicated mess that someone is going to love with open arms

The “bad” happening are just the moments in life where we need remember what’s truly important. 

It’s not the pool. It’s not the car. It’s not the illnesses

It’s the remembering to be kind to one another.

its remembering to love.

Spreading love.

Remembering that no matter what happens in this life, no matter how hard things get. Eventually, it will be okay again.

The roller coaster will stop and you will finally get that deep breath above water you’ve been drowning in

I’m sitting here and the world around me has collapsed

But my spirit is strong in faith knowing there is better to come 

Break through old patterns

So you can make room, and bring in the new 

Fuckin 2020 man